Voice and Vote: Community Organizing
Course Description
How do communities come together to get things done, like get a park built or a beach cleaned up? Maybe you’ve already worked in community organizations, or maybe you’ve wondered how they work. In this class, we’ll look closely at the specific ways that people have used their voices to make a better world for themselves, their families, and their communities. At the beginning of the class, we’ll study the language, arguments, and appeals produced in a handful of community organizations–community theaters, lqbtq centers, or other kinds of neighborhood advocacy groups–before we turn to a study of organizations that interest and have a direct impact on us. Our aim will be to identify how communities mobilize their resources to accomplish their goals–their voices and votes. Your final, group project will be a public service campaign that includes a poster, a social media presence, and a brief video that furthers the aims of the organization with which you work.
Contact Information
Professor Tom Peele
slack: citycollege-co.slack.com
email: tpeele@ccny.cuny.edu
phone: (929) 269-2282 (call or text)
office hours: every Monday, 9:00-10:00 a.m., and by appointment. Video or audio only available! Please come see me if you have any questions of you need any more information.